Today Rep. Nancy Pelosi made history by becoming the first female Speaker of the House. Yesterday...
[S]he alluded to one of the reasons women have been slow to climb the political ladder, saying federal policy has never recognized women's need for child care. "This Congress is going to be about children," she said.
In other words, congress is going to be about expanding socialistic entitlements, and children will be used as the rationalization. But apparently "anti-war" leftists have different priorities: Sheehan, Iraq War Protesters Break Up House Democrats' Press Conference.
Iraq war protesters broke up a press conference by House Democrats on Wednesday with chants to bring American troops home from Iraq.Posted by Forkum at January 4, 2007 04:22 PMChanting "de-escalate, investigate, troops home now," the protesters disrupted a briefing aimed at outlining priority goals when Democrats take over the House and Senate on Thursday.
Cindy Sheehan, an anti-war activist and mother of a soldier who died in Iraq, led the group to Capitol Hill to warn Democrats that party activists expect them to end the war in Iraq and confront the White House on a change in Iraq strategy.
"We didn't put you in power to work with the people that have been murdering hundreds of thousands of people since they have been in power," Sheehan said. "We put you in power to be opposition to them finally and we're the ones who put them in power."
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