BIG NEWS!: Pataki Nixes WTC Freedom Center.
In a story first reported by NY1, Governor George Pataki has cancelled plans to build the controversial International Freedom Center at the World Trade Center site - and representatives of the center say the location change has forced the entire project to be scrapped.The center had drawn criticism from some 9/11 victims' family members because it would not focus exclusively on the terror attacks. Family members also said the IFC could potentially contain exhibits that were anti-American.
The IFC has been completely scrapped! A big congratulations goes to Robert Shurbet at Take Back The Memorial, Tim Sumner at 9/11 Families for America, and everyone involved in the effort to protect Ground Zero [Update: And a special thanks to Debra Burlingame who broke the story in a Wall Street Journal opinion article -- The Great Ground Zero Heist].
Here are our past cartoons on the subject:
Culture Complex
Step Right Up
Art of Desecration
Sense of Proportion
Monumental Mistake
IFC No Evil
UPDATE I: From The Washington Post: Museum Dropped From WTC Site for Now.
"Goodbye and good riddance," said Rep. Vito Fossella, one of three congressmen who had threatened hearings on federal funding if the museum stayed where it was. "The IFC will not stand on the hallowed grounds of the World Trade Center site."
Frankly, it's a wonder this travesty was hatched in the first place.
Take Back The Memorial posts a Thank You and says it will remain vigilant.
Take Back the Memorial will continue to monitor the plans for Ground Zero to ensure that a fitting and proper memorial is built; one that is respectful of the victims murdered that day, their families, the first responders, and the American people.
UPDATE III: Charles Johnson notes that the IFC is folding up completely rather than find a new location and wonders: "This seems to be a clear admission that their goal was to exploit Ground Zero; if not, why couldn’t they simply relocate?"
Michelle Malkin has more related links. Michelle pays us a nice compliment (thank you, Michelle), but it it wasn't for big-traffic bloggers like her and Charles, this issue would not have gotten the attention it deserves.
UPDATE IV -- Oct. 4: The Wall Street Journal has a good interview with Debra Burlingame: Westchester Housewife; Meet Debra Burlingame, who won the Battle at Ground Zero.
Here, Ms. Burlingame resorts to her greatest strength--forensic rigor acquired at law school (where she went, at the age of 37, after working for TWA as a flight attendant for several tedious years): "You can't tell the broader story of 9/11 and not talk about terrorism, or Islamo-fascism, or the jihad. . . . But in the Freedom Center's 49-page report they never once mention bin Laden. The words 'al Qaeda' never appear anywhere in it. There's nothing about the war on terrorism."
UPDATE V -- Oct. 7: The battle goes on as the LMDC seems to be dragging its feet after losing the IFC. Tim Sumner asks, Is the LMDC's board stuck on stupid?.
Posted by Forkum at September 28, 2005 07:20 PM
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