Read John Fund’s editorial about Mr. Moore at WSJ: Unmoored From Reality: An ideological con artist is the favorite for an Oscar. (Via Hollywood Halfwits)
Posted by Forkum at March 23, 2003 12:08 AM
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Great cartoon!
I commented on Michael Moore a few days ago on my blog.
He is a shame to America, the way he goes to France and grovels for their approval with his anti-American rants.
Posted by: Greg Soon at March 23, 2003 01:35 AMWhat an idiot. What's with his book, Stupid White Men. Maybe he should change it to mAn, it might make more since. It would be an autobiography!
Posted by: Jared at March 23, 2003 01:53 AMWhat scares me the most is that many people (including my boss) read that book and considered it 100% factual.
With all the media hype and protests, one could easily get the impression that this nutjob and his kind are the majority in this country.
Posted by: Robb at March 23, 2003 06:28 AMMichael Moore is the final blow to the Hollywood/Oscars fiasco. They have joined the Irrelevant Crowd, along with France & Germany.
Good riddance to the whole lot.
I thought Stupid White Men was an autobiography.
His "documentary" violates the rules for documentaries because much of it isn't based on reality. For example, he claimed he walked out of a bank after receiving a gun. He left out that he had to go through the background check and waiting period like everyone else. He left the viewer with the impression that this was 1950 and you could walk into most any hardware store and leave with a shotgun.
Posted by: addison at March 23, 2003 11:44 AMMoore revealed himself to be pure evil when he said the terrorists shouldn't have blown up the WTC because "there weren't many Bush voters in there." As though the attacks had anythign to do with who was President.
Lord's sake, Clinton bombed the hell out of Baghdad, and Moore thinks no Arabs are mad at him?
Posted by: BC at March 23, 2003 01:20 PMGreat cartoon but you forgot the sweatpants :)
Posted by: Anthony at March 23, 2003 04:09 PMMichael Moore has made over $14 million from his movie exploiting the tragedy of Columbine. $14 million in blood money. And what's he doing with it? Pocketing it mainly. Certainly he hasn't benifitted any of the people affected by the tragedy he's exploited.
It's just totally amazing that a guy like Michael Moore is taken seriously by anyone. Only in a make believe world like Hollywood (or France) can people so blatantly ignore the facts about terrorism and the war in Iraq. Thankfully morons like him (and Donahue) are a minority. Let's all stop supporting these clowns by paying for and watching their movies. Thank God for a President who does what is right w/o taking an opinion poll first.
Posted by: Ray at March 23, 2003 05:38 PMI think you made him too handsome to be realistic.
No that was mean.
Still though, he's intellectually dishonest and politically retarded, and as such I treet him as a fantastic pain in the rear and simply inform my friends that they spent $8 to be lied to.
Posted by: Victor of the Apes at March 23, 2003 07:09 PMMichael Moore will be coming to my campus later this week, and his movie has played on campus this past weekend. People at the University of Rochester are infatuated with this man, yet they can't see the ignorant hypocrite that he is. It's is almost unbearably frustrating.
Posted by: Eric at March 23, 2003 08:55 PMI just saw the "film maker" in question get booed of the stage at the oscars. Perhaps there is hope.
Posted by: Victor of the Apes at March 23, 2003 09:34 PMoscars : my goodness. well, that was interesting.
i'm heartened that people booed.
i'm disgusted that people cheered.
but that's their perrogative. they are welcome to their opinions.
this is america, and we don't just shoot our dissidents.
although sometimes, you gotta wish ...
Posted by: bkw at March 23, 2003 09:36 PMwho are you people? do you even read? did you even graduate high school? I honestly feel stupid for even reading your comments.
Posted by: at March 23, 2003 09:54 PMThe windbag really made a fool of himself this time, spurting his liberal crap at the Oscars. I really hope I heard more boos than's really hard to tell with a crowd like Hollywood.
The thing that burns me the most is that his poor timing has struck again. After a day at war like this, American troops need support from home, rather and not a blowhard on national TV telling them that they are "over there" fighting a war that is not based on fact.
Posted by: Jason at March 23, 2003 09:55 PMI hate this lying bastard. He is a disgrace to my country. I hope that the teamsters did help him into his trunk and that he joins Jimmy Hoffa.
Posted by: Angel Elf at March 23, 2003 10:22 PMHey, you up there, no name. Next time you feel gutsy enough to leave nasty comments regarding the intelligence and education levels of others here, you might to think about capitalizing your sentences.
Posted by: Jon at March 23, 2003 10:30 PM*want*
Posted by: Jon at March 23, 2003 10:31 PMGreat cartoon! This guy is an idiot. His head is so big, he can't for one second, appreciate the Oscars for what they are. He has to get up on stage and rant about his political views. What a mistake! I'm glad he was boo'd off the stage!
Posted by: William at March 23, 2003 10:36 PMExcellent likeness, but where's the cackling little gremlinoid thingy on a leash?
Posted by: Throbert McGee at March 23, 2003 10:44 PMMichael Moore is a useless bodybag of decaying skin. I sent him an email after reading his bogus "letter to 'governor' Bush" on the web. He didn't even have the nads to answer me.
He's a traitor and should move to Iraq and be a scud practice target.
Posted by: Sea at March 23, 2003 10:46 PMI've seen Bowling, but haven't read his book yet. Seeing the doco only confirmed what I already know, Americans are a pack of gun totting nut balls, who think they are Gods gift to the world (and who can't spell for shit. Sense is spelt S.E.N.S.E).
Have you butt Fks ever stopped to wonder why it is YOU that is being threatened by terrorist attacks? Not Brittain (any more, they worked out why), not New Zealand or Australia, but YOU, the
F#*k wits of the world. Sep 11 was a warning to you, why didn't you listen???
Why is it that when the USA attacks another country it's called a war, or a police action, but when you get attacked, you call it terrorism? The innocent people of Iraq are living in more terror than you ever have.
Posted by: elephant at March 23, 2003 10:49 PM"Bowling for Columbine" is as much of a documentary as "Triumph of the Will", with the exception that all of the events show in "Triumph of the Will" occured when and where Reifenstahal(sp?) showed them, whereas Moore invested in some, shall we say "Creative editing"
Have you heard some of the crap this pus-bag has put out?
How can you honestly defend a man who said that the Sept. 11 planes went down because the planes where full of white poeople, and white peoiple are all cowards, and if there had been blacks aboard they would of kicked there asses? THats bigotry, plane and simple and if you think that a man like Mixcheal Moore has any credibility then you're as blind as a headless chicken.
sorry about the terrible spelling.
Posted by: Victor of the Apes at March 23, 2003 11:13 PMDear Elephant:
"Seeing the doco only confirmed what I already know,"
So, you're admitting that you went in with your mind made up and came out with your preconceived notions affirmed. Ah, the glorious open mind of the left.
"Americans are a pack of gun totting nut balls, who think they are Gods gift to the world (and who can't spell for shit. Sense is spelt S.E.N.S.E)."
You wanted the word "toting", not "totting". Also, there's an apostrophe in the possessive, so it would be "God's", not "gods", which implies multiple deities. Also, while not every American has a gun, every American has the right to a gun. It's called freedom.
"Have you butt Fks ever stopped to wonder why it is YOU that is being threatened by terrorist attacks? Not Brittain (any more, they worked out why), not New Zealand or Australia, but YOU, the F#*k wits of the world."
Well, one theory is that we're large, prosperous, and thousands upon thousands of oppressed people will risk their lives just for the chance to live here. No one gets killed by the state for being the wrong religion, or for saying what they think with regards to politics. If that makes us "F#&k wits", then I'm darn proud to be one. Also, Britain only has one t.
"Sep 11 was a warning to you, why didn't you listen???"
Yeah, how dare we refuse to become an oppressive totalitarian theocracy in the face of being threatened by cowards? Just because you personally have no bravery or intelligence doesn't mean that it doesn't exist, or that our nation doesn't possess both characteristics.
"Why is it that when the USA attacks another country it's called a war, or a police action, but when you get attacked, you call it terrorism?"
Perhaps because we give ample warning and bend over backwards to avoid having to resort to violence, whereas the people attacking us seem to choose violence first and foremost.
"The innocent people of Iraq are living in more terror than you ever have."
Yes, but praise God and inshallah, they will be freed from the grip of a crazed madman by the brave men and women of the U.S. and U.K. armed forces.
Posted by: Sharlene at March 23, 2003 11:32 PMI love in Australia. Most of the Australians that I have spoken too re this film think it's fantastic. We really like Mike down here. This is because we are, on average, much more intelligent that you red neck gun slingers... We have realised that a "Right to bare arms" equates to a "Right to blow the f%#k out of each other".
So why don't y'all hurry the f$&k up about it, cos the rest of the world (the world that you THINK you are in control of) are getting pretty sick of your shit.
Your President thinks that he's the leader of the free world... Well guess what. I live in the free world, and I didn't get a vote. How the f*#k did he get in anyway? Did y'all think you were voting for the butt f%&k of the year or something? I piss my pants every time he gets on TV, and makes a fool of himself... "Africa is a country", "We will get Saddam out of Iran". What a joke...
If there is anything you disk head should have gotten out of Bowling, it's the fact the 3 times the number of people killed in Sep 11 die each year in the good 'ol USA, due to gunshot murders. You don't need to fly half way across the world to fight the war on terrorism, there's plenty of it at home.
But congress's hands are tied; it's not their fault. The NRA keeps bribing them. I just guess you morons will have to keep blowing the bajesus out of each other.
Funny how you can't make your alleged point without swearing... And how you can't seem to use the Queen's English correctly.
Thank you for confirming that rabid and irrational hatred of Bush is clearly favored by the stupid amongst us. I will strive to believe that not all Australians are as completely untroubled by rational thought as you are.
Posted by: Sharlene at March 23, 2003 11:44 PM"But congress's hands are tied; it's not their fault. The NRA keeps bribing them."
Are you kidding me? Really? I mean that has got to be the dumbest thing I ever read, with the possible exception of Moores speach.
The elephant wore out his welcome.
Posted by: Allen Forkum at March 23, 2003 11:50 PMMichael Moore has once again shown his true colors. While brave American Soldiers are dying in the desert, Michael is winning an award for a documentary who's sole intent is to disarm his fellow Americans.
When Michael decided to spew his anti Bush venom this evening, I asked myself how many Americans will become tired of his vitriolic diatribe and vote with their remote controls and wallets.
Just shut him off along with the other Leftist myrmidons, give them the same treatment the Dixie Chicks have received.
What Michael does not understand is that he is on the "Infidel Train" and there are many unfriendly groups that would like to derail it, permanently!
That Train is called America! If Michael and others that share his unfortunate mindset do not like it. They can get off at the next stop and we will let them. America is not Amtrak, you do not buy a ticket and ride, you earn a seat on the train!
Get off at the next stop Mr. Moore. I hear France has many open seats.
Posted by: Jack Meove at March 24, 2003 12:00 AMI assume that by your statement "The Elephant wore out his welcome," you mean that he has been banned from making further comments here.
Wait a minute: "So, you're admitting that you went in with your mind made up and came out with your preconceived notions affirmed. Ah, the glorious open mind of the left." (--Sharlene)
This is hypocrisy, no? You can't have it both ways, fellas. All together now: If you want people to take you seriously, you have to let them talk as well, whether you agree with them or not.
I saw "Bowling for Columbine," and I thought it was great. Parts of it were pure satire, but that doesn't diminish the film's message, which is that America has a problem with violence. Anyone who criticizes this movie because "documentaries aren't supposed to contain opinions" needs to watch some more documentaries.
And to Sharlene, re: "Oppressive Totalitarian Theocracy" - any nation that puts police helicopters in the air over metropolitan centers to perform 24-hour surveillance and calls it "Operation Liberty Shield" needs satirists like Moore for its own health.
-Graham (a *gasp* Canadian)
Posted by: Graham at March 24, 2003 12:18 AMWe learned some pretty interesting things about Australians today.
We have realised that a "Right to bare arms" equates to a "Right to blow the f%#k out of each other".
So why don't y'all hurry the f$&k up about it, cos the rest of the world (the world that you THINK you are in control of) are getting pretty sick of your shit.
Those are some pretty heavy words considering America could destroy
Australia ten times over. Sure America has made some mistakes, but Australia is no angel either. And about us thinking we control the world. That's a load of crap because we don't think we're in control of the world, you think that we think that we're in control of the world. And tell me of one time where we terrorized another country.
"I saw "Bowling for Columbine," and I thought it was great. Parts of it were pure satire, but that doesn't diminish the film's message, which is that America has a problem with violence. Anyone who criticizes this movie because "documentaries aren't supposed to contain opinions" needs to watch some more documentaries."
I have no issue with opinion in documentary. I do however, have an issue with a bigoted liar putting a collection of misleading edits and out and out lies together. I also have issue with people treating it as though it is impartial and that it is fact.
Posted by: Victor of the Apes at March 24, 2003 12:24 AM"This is hypocrisy, no? You can't have it both ways, fellas. All together now: If you want people to take you seriously, you have to let them talk as well, whether you agree with them or not."
I'm not sure I completely understand what you're saying. The way I understood what he said, seeing the film "confirmed what [he] already know". So, he had an opinion, he went to see a movie, and it confirmed his opinion. All well and good, but not precisely open minded. As to Mr. Moore having his very definite opinions, that's fine, too... But presenting an opinion as fact seems to me to fall in the category of lying.
The problem I have with "Bowling for Columbine" isn't that it expresses an opinion. The problem I have is that he falsified large portions of it. If I were to edit tapes of Michael Moore's voice to say "I want to give George W. Bush a big sloppy kiss with tongue", that would be a lie, a falsehood, just as much as the falsehoods he presents in his film.
"And to Sharlene, re: "Oppressive Totalitarian Theocracy" - any nation that puts police helicopters in the air over metropolitan centers to perform 24-hour surveillance and calls it "Operation Liberty Shield" needs satirists like Moore for its own health."
I agree that we need satirists and people who don't blindly accept all opinions handed to them, but I'm not 100% sure that we need satirists that manipulate and distort facts to serve their own bias.
Posted by: Sharlene at March 24, 2003 12:35 AMHey Elephant,
CHoke on this:
In America, we have about 300 million privately owned guns. We have two completely differently political parties which by all accounts HATE EACH OTHER. Despite the mixture of guns and hate ( or dislike) we somehow manage not to wage violent wars on each other with our readily available guns. Why? Because this country is full of Americans!!! Even when things get really bad here,(like Moores oscar speech) we don't resort to using our guns. It's hard to explain, but, for some reason, Americans (even the ones I dislike) adhere to a social contract that says will will fight our battles among ourselves with WORDS. I guess we're just better than most.
As far as the murders that do occur here, most of the time the people who get killed are not that "innocent" in the first place. I'm not saying that ANYBODY deserves to be murdered,but, it does seem that when it comes to gun violence in America, Darwin was right. People who live their lives complying to the social contract, almost never, ever, get themselves murdered. Remember those disgruntled kids at Columbine? They had been bullied for years by kids at their school. Bullying is not part if the social contract. Again, I'm not saying that those victims should have been murdered, but if they hadn't been bullies all of their lives, they'd probably still be alive today. Did you ever notice how often drug dealers get themselves murdered? It's not a coincidence.Have you ever noticed how Yoga instructors almost NEVER get murdered?Again, not a coincidence. That's how gun violence works in America. It's not pretty , it's not perfect, but some how, it's not as bad as Moore makes us look.
Perhaps you could research a little more about American culture before making broad sweeping statements like you did.
Oh, and by the way,
If it weren't for us "rednecks" you wouldn't even have a computer to spew your stupidity on so how 'bout throwin' us our props for inventing everything cool.(computers, cars,planes, microvave ovens, MTV, x-rays, lasers,The Pixies, coca cola, and so on and so on)
It seems many people are upset by what he said, but I'm the opposite: his statements during the Academy Awards just proves how ridiculious his thinking is and has completely destroyed any future he had writing books or making movies. No one in Hollywood would ever want to associate themselves with him now.
Thank you Michael Moore! You dug your hole and buried yourself!
Posted by: James at March 24, 2003 12:57 AMHi Sharlene:
You're right, I didn't make my point clear. I meant that it's hypocritical to criticize Elephant for lazy and uncritical thinking (i.e., just having his preconceived notions confirmed) when he's banned from this forum (i.e., you get to continue here, unhindered by opinions which differ from yours, no matter how clumsily they're articulated.)
There's an awful lot of talk here about how huge sections of "Bowling for Columbine" are falsified; which sections, and how? I'm interested to hear which parts you criticize, specifically.
Hear Hear!
Oops, sorry, hear hearing that above graham. As to Graham request: Sure, leme get a good page:
Posted by: Victor of the Apes at March 24, 2003 01:05 AMGraham ... Elephant was banned because he was trolling, not because he had an opposing opinion. Incest insults are not part of a rational discussion.
Regarding Moore ... Political satire is one thing, but documentaries are another. Besides his out-and-out lies (read the editorial linked in the cartoon's caption), Moore's artistic fraud is that he dishonestly presents his political satire as documentary evidence of his argument. That would be like us presenting our cartoons as photographic evidence that we’re right.
Posted by: Allen Forkum at March 24, 2003 01:09 AMA poster named "Sea" wrote: "He's [Moore's] a traitor and should move to Iraq and be a scud practice target."
A poster named Angel Elf wrote: "I hope that the teamsters did help him into his trunk and that he joins Jimmy Hoffa."
I agree that incest insults like Elephant's are not part of a rational discussion, but until you start removing death threats as well, this won't be a rational discussion.
If you don't remove these comments along with Elephant's, you will prove my point that he was removed based on his opinion, not his conduct. I eagerly await the removal of all insulting comments so the issue, instead of the personalities, can be discussed.
Posted by: at March 24, 2003 01:36 AMHello Elephant
Looks like you have a very dim view of our President. That is fine with me. I feel he is doing a fine job. Much better then Clinton ever dreamed of.
If you do your own research about gun deaths in the U.S. You will find that Unintentional Injuries such as motor vehicle accidents kill far more than firearms.
Another thing about these so called Homicides by Firearms. The National Center for Injury Prevention and Control has a data base on all of these statistics. If you take a look at the page, they are classified as "Homicide Firearm"
The thing that the Gun Control Commy's do not tell you is the fact that all these deaths by firearms are not broken down into specific categories.
Such as " Jack Ass breaks into house and get's killed" or " Pervert get's shot to death by angry father during child abduction "
People like Michael Moore and others will have you believe that the U.S. has " Free Range Firearms " that release themselves into the city's and just start shooting people.
Next time you and others like you start spouting off some so called facts or figures, may be you should look at the data and actually understand what the numbers represent.
I have provided you with a link to the Centers for Disease Control page. Here is all the data that you will need to understand that the Gun Grabbers are skewing the facts.
Just fill in the blanks on the form and may be it will fill the blank space in-between your ears.
Have a nice day, and always educate yourself!
Posted by: Jack Meove at March 24, 2003 01:48 AMJack, I think he sux, to be quite honest. National debt is way up, and unemployment is out of control. And now it looks as is bush is going to try and pull the wool over our eyes, by going to war. Why does he think this will work? Because it will, and is...
Who is more foolish, the fool, or the fool who follows him.
Posted by: at March 24, 2003 02:12 AMWhat was one of the major causes of unemployment? The economy? Do you think 911 had anything to do with some of these problems that we are now facing?
If we as a nation just sit back and do nothing, when will they strike again? Another 911 or even bigger may happen if we do not react.
Just ask Michael Moore I am sure that he has all the correct answers.
Remember the economy is cyclic just like the weather. How about when Jimmy Carter was in office and we had double digit interest rates. And how about ANWR Artic National Wildlife Refuge. Who was the President that started all of that? It was Jimmy Carter not a Republican.
ANWR is actually named area 1002, just type it in a search engine and you will see that it was the Carter administration that developed that program.
Bush is not the only one who wanted oil to help the economy.
Posted by: Jack Meove at March 24, 2003 02:43 AMAmazing reading about the lies and distortions that Moore says are fact. I can't believe that his film qualified as a documentary.
Is America gun crazy? Some parts of the country are, but they have certain rights.
Can't believe his remarks at the Oscars. How ignorant can one guy be?
Posted by: Mike at March 24, 2003 02:59 AMAaah, I heard about his being booed at the oscars.
Damn it's fun when ironic justice kicks in. Didn't see his celebrity apologist friends rush to his aid and try to drown out the hecklers with applause.
Posted by: Korgmeister at March 24, 2003 06:05 AMYou Americans are so stupid.
We in Europe love you Michael Moore, just go on!
Thanks for having at least one normal American!
Graham ... Elephant's incest insult was directed at another poster with whom he was supposedly having a discussion. However, the scud comment you mention was hyperbole directed at Moore, not a poster. And the Hoffa comment was also not an insult directed at a poster, but reference to the Steve Martin joke during the Oscars.
By the way, this blog is private property. I run it by my standards not yours. If I choose to ban someone because of their opinion, that is my right. But Elephant was just a troll.
Posted by: Allen Forkum at March 24, 2003 07:56 AMMalgo- If you love MM so much, you are more than welcome to him! We "abnormal" Americans would be more than pleased.
I will bet that "The Incredible Fraud" was a bestseller in your country too. Am I right or not? I am referring to a French "non-fiction" book which claimed we bombed our own buildings on 9-11.
Oscars : my goodness. well, that was interesting. The Best part were the
previous winners!
I am heartened that people booed.
The boo's at the award's were nothing,
compared to the boo's he got from America.
The boo's he got from our Troops and their
families. Fighting for world freedom.
I am sad that people cheered.
But this is America, and we don't just shoot our dissidents.
God Bless Our President, God Bless our Troops, their families and God Bless America.
And to Sharlene, re: "Oppressive Totalitarian Theocracy" - any nation that puts police helicopters in the air over metropolitan centers to perform 24-hour surveillance and calls it "Operation Liberty Shield" needs satirists like Moore for its own health.
what's wrong with that surveillance, if said surveillance is intended to protect that populace?
it's not like these helecopters are swooping out of the skies and gunning down war protestors or the anti-bush types.
i personally have a security system in my home. this means that the alarm company can monitor when we are, and when we are not at home. perhaps even which rooms we are in. does this bother me at all? not a whit.
and : it's one thing to put out satire. it's another thing to put out satire under the guise of a "documentary".
Posted by: bkw at March 24, 2003 10:53 AMThank you Malgo and Elephant for trying to bring some SENSE to these people. And for all of you who are pro-war, what you think about the forged documents that Powell and Bush presented to the UN? know that is an impeachable offense...dont you?
Posted by: oscar at March 24, 2003 12:32 PMProve they were forged.
Re: Michael Moore being booed. Did you hear Steve Martin's comment afterwards?
If I recall correctly, it went something like this:
"It was quite a touching scene backstage. The Teamsters helped put Michael Moore into the trunk of his limo..."
Posted by: DCE at March 24, 2003 01:24 PMOnce again watching Michael Moore last night reminded me that abortion does have an up side.
Shame, shame on you Michael you liberal, no-mind, fartist!!! My Saddam gas you and your JACKASS production company. Better yet, may America now stop attending and renting your movies!
Your career is over, traitor!
The fiction is you and your view points. Let's see you go hold hands with Saddam and sing "Kum Bi Ya", ya FREAK!
Posted by: GermanLutheran at March 24, 2003 02:13 PMGrassroots blogger counter-holiday:Buy a Gun for (despite) Michael Moore Day, April 15
Pass it along to your favorite blogs and email friends. Definitely want/need Photoshop posters in the vein of "Eat an animal for PETA day."
You WILL be amused.
Just think that there may be thousands more guns in the hands of responsible Second Amendment-loving citizens BECAUSE of Michael Moore!!!!
Posted by: Aaron's Rantblog at March 24, 2003 03:46 PMMalgo:
For your information over %70 of American's supports this war, and if you consider Moore a normal American I'm glad I'm not one. I'm proud to be a "redneck" American.
For people commenting on Moore's behave from the US, if you hate the US so much go live somewhere else. Don't complain about the freedom's millions of men and women have died to give you. I think the liberal ideas, such as Moore’s, are America’s only weakness. This is a great nation, and it turns my stomach to hear someone disgrace it the way he did.
how 'bout throwin' us our props for inventing everything cool.(computers, cars,planes, microvave ovens, MTV, x-rays, lasers,The Pixies, coca cola, and so on and so on)
You certainly won't get props from me for the invention of MTV. MTV is a network for brainwashing pre-teens and teens to being what is "cool" which leads to bullying kids that are different and not "cool", like the bullies did to the kids in Columbine.
Posted by: Rich at March 24, 2003 05:19 PMforged documents that Powell and Bush presented to the UN? know that is an impeachable offense...dont you?
citation? link? proof? i'm really v. curious.
Posted by: bkw at March 24, 2003 05:26 PMOn another forum, someone made note about how the latest round of peace activists ("What are you an activist for?" "What have you got?") are much more "wired" than in the past. And apparently one of their major activities it to go around trolling on any forum that allows open posting. You could be reading about pet care and run across one of their rants.
re: the booing. Hollywood has slightly redeemed themselves. The are now no longer lower than lawyers and telemarketers, now they're one rung above them. :-) Moore should be forced to give back his Oscar though, for the same reason Milli Vanilli lost their Grammy.
Posted by: Mauser at March 24, 2003 06:07 PMhey rich,
Okay,Okay. I guess I was just trying to make Elephant jealous by pointing out something that he would probably worship like MTV was invented in a country he sees as awful. I was trying to work the whole "cruel irony" angle on him. I agree, MTV sucks. Thanks for settin' me straight.
Here's the behind the scenes video...
Posted by: Chris Pirillo at March 24, 2003 11:25 PMfor info, just search for it on google or yahoo
Posted by: oscar at March 24, 2003 11:35 PM